by Alex Nimmer

CORS (Cross Origin Resource Sharing) is the mechanism which controls access to web resources outside of the requester’s domain. CORS access is negotiated through a preflight OPTIONS requests. An example request might look like:

OPTIONS /cors/example/resource/ HTTP/1.1
... Some irrelevant headers
Origin: http://trusty.mctrusterson
Access-Control-Request-Method: POST
Access-Control-Request-Headers: X-Configure, Content-Type

Origin refers to the domain this request originates, in the example trusty.mctrusterson.

Access-Control-Request-Method is an additional security feature which the server can use to restrict access of a resource to certain methods. Regardless of whether this feature is implemented or not, the only methods allowed for a cross origin request are POST, GET, and HEAD.

Access-Control-Request-Headers is a comma delimited list of headers the actual (not this pre-flight) request would like to use.

After inspecting the pre-flight request the server must decide whether a request from that Origin using the HTTP method in Access-Control-Request-Method with the headers in Access-Control-Requeset-Headers would be allowed, if so it returns a 200 response otherwise it should return a 401. An example:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
... some irrelevent headers
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Access-Control-Request-Method: POST, GET, HEAD
Access-Contorl-Allow-Headers: X-Configure, Content-Type, 

Access-Control-Allow-Origin specifies to the client what origins are allowed access to this resource. * is used as a wild card, allowing any domain access.

Access-Control-Request-Method contain a list of allowed http methods for this resource.

Access-Control-Allow-Headers contain a list of allowed headers

Access-Control-Allow-Origin is the only header required every time. All the other response headers are only required if the server implements a related restriction.

There are a few more options available, for an in-depth article on everything CORS visit or visit the spec